Gallery Wall Guide: Our Suggestions for Creating a Beautiful Gallery Wall
Creating a gallery wall can be fun, rewarding, and help display artwork in a unique way. A gallery wall is just as much a series of pictures or artwork as it is a series of frames. It is important to choose the right frames not only for what you are putting in them, but for where you are putting them. We created this gallery wall guide to share our thoughts on creating the perfect gallery wall for your space, and some of our favorite frames to combine and create your own masterpiece.
Choosing your frames can be a challenge. Depending on your home’s theme, color and material will be important to ensure the wall enhances the space. An easy way to choose your frames would be by using the same color and material, but differing sizes.
The gallery above uses our gold aluminum frames, but the differing sizes are unique. The collage frame also allows for more images or artwork to be displayed without adding extra frames.
Shop the set: 9x18 Gold Aluminum Frame, 12x12 Gold Aluminum Frame, 8x10 Gold Aluminum Frame
Another option would be using mixed colors and materials. This will help diversify the display and help specific prints or artwork stand out. This set uses a gray wood frame and a white wood frame.
Shop the Set: 11x14 Gray MDF Frame, 5x7 Gray MDF Frame, 11x14 White MDF Frame, 8x10 White MDF Frame, 5x7 White MDF Frame
After gathering your art or prints and frames, the first question you want to ask is where should I put my gallery wall? Since a gallery wall can look fairly busy depending on the sizes and color frames you use, it is important to choose your placement carefully. In a recent collaboration with lifestyle and travel blogger Sneha on Instagram, she chose to arrange a gallery wall using our 8x8 white wood frames along her staircase.
Lifestyle and travel blogger Sneha hangs our white 8x8 frames in her home along the staircase.
By stacking the frames along the shape of the staircase, the gallery wall will make the space look more homey and complete. Placing a gallery wall in a straight orientation in this area will look out of place. Orienting the frames along the stairs will create a cohesive look.
After choosing your space, it’s important to do a mock up of your gallery wall. You can do this in a number of different ways from arranging the frames on a flat surface to get an idea of what it will look like on the wall, to creating your own stencil using paper or newspaper, take your time figuring out how you want to arrange your pieces. As mentioned above, orienting along your staircase in a certain way is important, but with flat walls such as above your couch or in your bedroom provide a little more freedom.
If you are using the same sized frame for your entire gallery wall, you may want to create a symmetrical display. That is, aligning all frames symmetrical to each other and creating an outer square or rectangle with the frames.
Your other option is to line the frames up symmetrically by the top or bottom of the frames, but not necessarily with the same sized frames. This creates cohesion while also allowing for uniqueness in size and shape.
Otherwise, you can align the frames however you would like, but we recommend using your larger frames as the base and placing your smaller frames where they will fill in the gaps.