Artist Spotlight: Sherry Blandin
Sherry Blandin is a photographer who resides in Marana, Arizona. She became a photographer later in life after a career as a fourth grade teacher in Monterey Peninsula, California. In 2012, she moved with her husband and two daughters to Arizona, where her career as a professional photographer began.
A trip to Europe at the age of 25 sparked her interest in photography. "I started my photographic journey at age 25 by purchasing a Canon Camera for THE trip to Europe where I thought “point and shoot” would render outstanding photos! That didn’t happen although I took photos all the time! Fast forward 42 years---finally, at age 67, I was ready to expand my knowledge because I knew I had an ‘eye’ for it, point and shoot was not that satisfying anymore, and the amazing colors of the Sonoran Desert inspired me beyond belief. I wanted to capture it all."
When Sherry decided to dive deeper into the world of photography, she began taking classes both in person and online to develop and advance her skills. "I don’t know how many classes I have taken over the years trying to understand layers and all the tools of Photoshop! When I moved to Arizona, I immersed myself in classes (again!) at the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, Pima College and in online classes. Still didn’t get it until I joined the Highlands Photo Club where I live and took Photoshop Editing Classes from the most amazing teacher, artist, professional photographer, and friend ever, Bill Miller. He has been instrumental in my development as a photographer and as a human being. In one afternoon, I understood layers! He is the best instructor I have ever had."
"June Noon" by Sherry Blandin pictured above.
Sherry's favorite part of being a photographer is learning new things and telling a story with her images. "Learning new techniques and creating objects of beauty that tell a story would be my favorite part of being a photographer. It gives me immense personal satisfaction to see the results of a photograph I have taken. It is also a validation when others appreciate my work but the main rewards are my own personal growth. I never thought I was a creative soul because I was an ‘organizational nut’! How misguided I was!!! It has so enhanced my awareness of myself and the universe we live in."
She enjoys photographing many subjects from animals to plant life, and even colorful doors she finds in the places she visits. Recently, she has found herself immersed in photographing a litter of coyote pups that live near her home in Arizona. "Because of COVID-19, I have focused on coyotes this summer. So, I would call them my favorite project by default! I live in a community where our homes and golf course are surrounded by desert. 2 litters of coyote pups were born this spring/summer and they are the stars of the moment! Catching them being coyotes is challenging as you have to find the right distance that won’t scare them off. I believe animals have human characteristics, souls, emotions…Namaste-the divine in me sees the divine in you. I concentrate on capturing that aspect. (Please check out my website to see what I mean!)"

"Elegant Trogon" by Sherry Blandin
Her most treasured photograph she has taken to date is of a Big Horn Sheep."My favorite photograph and one I am most proud of is The Big Horn Sheep at the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson, AZ. It was the first photograph where I used the tools and techniques, I had learned in Mr. Miller’s classes. I had turned a photograph into a piece of art which resembled a painting."
In terms of photography subjects, Sherry does not favor one over another. "I enjoy capturing flowers and using techniques to bring out their beauty. I love learning how to capture birds of prey in flight at the Desert Museum. The challenge of capturing a hummingbird in flight and then seeing every tiny feather in the photograph sends chills up my spine. Capturing animals looking at me confirms we all are a part of this universe and are very much alike." She takes this inspiration and uses it in new projects, listing what she hopes to accomplish or strive for. "I want to tell a story. I want composition, movement, color, and light to stand out. I want to create a mood for the viewer and I want my project to stop the viewer in his/her tracks!"

"Big Horn Sheep" by Sherry Blandin
The advice Sherry offers for aspiring photographers is to never doubt yourself and have faith in your ability to achieve your goals. "I can always give advice—I was a teacher too long! Above all else, don’t doubt yourself—ever. Take whatever you doubt and turn it around. Push yourself to find your passion. Have faith in yourself—it shows in your work. Sharing my creative self with others brings so much personal satisfaction. In my situation, I found my passion later in life, which I know makes me appreciate the beauty of a life well-lived." Speaking of goals, Sherry has goals of photographing the Milky Way, Hunt's Mesa at Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon, the Grand Canyon, and Blue Canyon to improve her landscape photography and show others their beauty. "I’m 74, I really don’t have all the time in the world (!), so I’ve made a list of what I want to learn with the time I have." At the time of writing this Sherry has already begun work on photographing the Milky Way.

"White House Ruins" by Sherry Blandin
Sherry's journey with Golden State Art began last year. "I love it when your adult daughters are smarter than you are. My oldest was visiting last year. She looked at all my photos which were in different sizes, some in mats, some not (mostly not!). “Mommmm, this is a mess. You need all your photos one size, matted with sleeves to protect them. (She is an artist, too) Look up Golden State Art, they have everything you need!”. I did what she told me to do! Golden State Art became my best friend. I spent the next 6 months making all my photos uniform in presentation. The results were rewarding. My photos were more attractive, they stood out at events where I showed my work. Best of all, it resulted in more people buying my work. I owe a lot of my success of presentation to Golden State Art."
To conclude her spotlight, Sherry reflects on the way photography and those around her have made for a rewarding life. "I’ve had a very rewarding life---a good husband and father, 2 beautiful and accomplished daughters, 2 grandchildren that are cuter than your grandchildren, all the ups and downs of having and raising 2 children and 40+ years of marriage, makes us wise beyond belief. To find my passion has been the icing on the cake!"
View more of Sherry's work below and visit her website https://www.sherryblandinphotography.net/. You can also follow her on Instagram and Facebook for the latest on new projects and photographs!