Artist Spotlight: Sharon Jiskra Brooks
Sharon Jiskra Brooks is an artist based in Indianapolis, Indiana. "I am from Chicago originally. I grew up in the suburbs and lived there until I was in my twenties. I went to college to study art and design in Indiana and after I was married my husband and I moved to Nashville, TN for a job for him. We lived there for 21 years. 15 years ago we moved back to the Midwest where we live now in Indianapolis, Indiana. I have always been creating. For as long as I can remember I was drawing and taking art lessons as a child. I knew I wanted to study art in College and graduated with a Fine Arts Degree in Graphic Design. I paint more now than I ever have as my daughters are grown now (in their twenties).” Sharon’s website, www.sharonjiskrabrooks.com, showcases her large collection of works as well as contact information to commission a piece.
"Planning" by Sharon Jiskra Brooks pictured above.
Sharon’s upbringing in an artistic household influenced her creative nature. “My father was a professional photographer for United Airlines for more than 35 years. My mother was also very creative. Having parents that embraced the arts was wonderful. My father attended Brooks Photography Institute in California. He was well trained in all aspects of photography and was able to teach me many lessons about composition and lighting that were applicable to my art. He was also very honest when it came to critiques. I also had a love for color, the landscape and paint that began early on from our many travels and visits to museums.”
As an artist, Sharon enjoys the connection that art builds with those who admire her work. “I am always taken back when someone wants to purchase my art or even more so commission me to paint something for them or a loved one as a gift. It is so rewarding to see my art bring joy to others. When I have worked on community projects or seen my art turned into a banner for a city - it's incredible to drive past it and think that others may look at it and it could put a smile on their face at an unexpected point in their day.”
"Buck Creek" by Sharon Jiskra Brooks pictured above.
Sharon’s most treasured piece of art is a piece her father began and she had the honor of finishing. “There are so many favorite artists that I have from great masters to local artists I know. I have one painting, though, hanging in our home that I will always treasure. It is more special than any other art I own or have created. After my father passed away we were cleaning out some of his desk drawers and found tucked away in his photography items a watercolor pad and a few paints. There were two paintings of barns that he had started and not finished. They were both beautiful. We had no idea that he was painting. A few years ago I decided to finish them. The one is a winter scene. I had no reference to go from and have no idea what he was using to paint from so I had to finish it with my imagination. I signed both of our names on it when it was done. It really reminds me of how creative he was.”
Sharon enjoys painting a variety of subjects. “I paint a lot of different subjects and everything from florals to some pretty contemporary landscapes to a few portraits. I love painting portraits but they are a true challenge and I don't by any means consider myself a portrait artist. I think plein air painting is one of my most favorite things because it's so true and I love being outdoors so much! And painting florals outdoors is always fun!” When beginning a new project or piece, Sharon is often inspired by nature and the world around her when in the outdoors. “Mostly nature inspires me. I have always been an outdoors person and love to run and hike and travel. If I see something that catches my eye I have to stop and take a picture. Currently I have over 40,000 pictures on my iphone (yes 40,000) sigh. I am drawn to water and love how it can change my mood in an instant.”
"Geranium" by Sharon Jiskra Brooks pictured above.
To aspiring artists, Sharon encourages creating art, “for yourself first.” “If you go into this trying to make art just for profit it most likely will be frustrating but if you are creating to express yourself you will be rewarded. I also believe if you are gifted with a talent like being able to create art that you should share these gifts with others. I give some of my art to unexpected people or charities from time to time because I like the joy it brings to others to do so. It also makes me feel good to be able to do so - especially if I can't afford to donate other things like big dollars or other gifts or enormous amounts of time.”
Sharon found Golden State Art when searching for frames and supplies for her artwork. “I was so excited to find a source that fit my unique needs and offered so many options. I have since returned to purchase items for other needs and will continue to do so. There is always a perfect solution for what I am looking for. The variety of options is incredible. I am surprised by how wide of a range of styles and sizes that are available. And when I needed something quickly the product was here in no time! I don't think there is another source that offers the breadth of product for artists as Golden State [Art] does.”
Sharon is currently working on a commissioned piece for Indiana State University. “I have been working on a few commissions for a designer in town that have been focused on our State University's. They have all been large pieces, one of them 48x60. They have been challenging to paint but really exciting to create. They are all going to be installed in a corporate office in Indianapolis.” To keep up with this and future projects, and also to connect with her, visit Sharon’s links below!
Sharon’s Website:www.sharonjiskrabrooks.com
Sharon’s Instagram: @sharon.jiskra.brooks.art
Sharon’s Facebook: Sharon Jiskra Brooks