Artist Spotlight: Charles Jensen
Charles Jensen is the founder of Charles Scott Gallery, a Los Angeles based company collecting and selling art for over a decade. “We started primarily with Animation Art, but have slowly added more categories and now are moving heavily into Fine Art. We do not have a brick-and-mortar location at the moment but will in the future when the world stabilizes a bit. Until then we work from a large warehouse and office space and our art is for sale on seven online platforms.” The company offers everything from animation art to fine art on many different platforms including their website, Etsy, and eBay.
Charles has always had a love for art, and began collecting it many years ago. This love for and experience with art is what inspired him to begin the Charles Scott Gallery. “Eventually I found I was collecting collections, and it all became so large and numinous that I couldn't possibly appreciate it. So, I put it all up online just to be able to see it and allow others to see it. Then the inquiries started coming in - could people buy some of it? And eventually I started saying, "yes." Then, I realized that with all my knowledge and years of experience buying the art, that I could actually make a living off connecting other people with art they love.”
When asked what he enjoys most about art, Charles stated, “I simply love art. Having a gallery means I can buy art, put it on my walls and enjoy it and then when it sells, put new art up! It's perfect.” Charles has recently found himself loving the work of artist Alexander Calder. “I somehow never particularly liked him before. But I came across a copy of the DLM #141 and put his prints up and really love them.”
A piece by Alexander Calder pictured above - part of the Charles Scott Gallery collection.
Charles is an artist of many talents and enjoys collecting pieces of many different subjects and different mediums, in particular abstract art, impressionist landscapes with pastels, architectural photography, and Native American Acoma pottery with a passion for animation art. To those aspiring to be an artist, Charles encourages doing what you love. “Make what is UNIQUE that you love. It is the uniqueness that matters - and whether it matches the tastes of the time, no matter.”
On the search for bulk matting online, Charles came across Golden State Art as a provider. “Golden State Art had the best combo of price and archival materials. And the sets of bags/backs/mats were perfect. We've standardized on a few offerings from Golden State Art over the years and that's been fantastic. The bulk offerings of mats with bags and boards and the fast shipping means we can meet our ever-growing levels of sales. I have not had to worry about scaling our matting as we've grown - that's been easy.”
A piece by Keith Harring pictured above - part of the Charles Scott Gallery collection.
Charles and his team are currently working to offer many signed 20th century masters prints and photographs that they have collected over the years, “…we're working hard to get them up on all the platforms we're on for sale. We have some pastels and are currently beginning to buy oils and watercolors.”
Stay up to date on this, and the gallery’s future projects at the links below!
Charles Scott Gallery Website: https://www.charlesscottgallery.com/
Charles Scott Gallery Instagram: @charlesscottgallery
Charles Scott Gallery Facebook: @charlesscottgallery