Artist Spotlight: Ilisa Millermoon
Ilisa Millermoon is an Intuitive Energy Artist based in North Carolina. She has been working as an artist and Spiritual Mentor (Your Soul Journey Guide™) for the past 16 years. "Together with my Celestial Team, my Angels, Spirit Guides, and Dragon Guides, I create artwork to transform your living space, raise your vibration and heal your Spirit. I work with women who are READY to design their Soul Journey & Embrace their Inner Goddess to live a life of joy and fulfillment.” Visit her website, ilisamillermoon.com, to view and purchase her artwork, read her story, learn about her services, and more!
Ilisa has been an artist for all of her life, “but it wasn't until my late 30's that I decided I needed to pursue my passion and create my art business or regret it for the rest of my life. I was terrified but I dove in anyway and it's been an amazing journey!” She enjoys creating connections with others through her artwork the most. “I thoroughly enjoy the relationships I'm able to build and nurture with my collectors. I love knowing that my artwork is being adopted into a loving home and family.”
Ilisa’s favorite piece of hers is entitled “The Moon and Me” which depicts a female figure positioned in front of the moon in acrylic ink and gouache on watercolor paper. See and purchase it here. Within her artwork, she enjoys creating and depicting many different subjects. “I don't think I can choose just one subject. They are all intertwined. I adore my Dragons, the Universe, Mother Goddess, Buddha and the Divine.”
When beginning a new project or piece, Ilisa is inspired by the spiritual figures in her life. “My Celestial Team, for me that's my Divine Source, my Angels, Spirit Guides and Dragon Guides. And Gaia, I am always inspired by Mama Earth and her Divine Beings, seen and unseen.” To aspiring artists, Ilisa encourages educating yourself on things like business and marketing. “Take a few business, marketing and accounting classes to get the basics so that you have a solid foundation when offering your creations to the world. If you don't have any background in business, marketing or accounting. Those weren't offered when I got my BA in art, I was told I could teach or good luck with that.”
Ilisa found Golden State Art on eBay and decided to order directly from the Golden State Art website. “I originally ordered via eBay and then discovered I could order directly from your site. I do love the product builder. It's so easy to use and I get the custom mat boards that I need for my artwork. And it's fantastic to be able to get all of the pieces I need for a project, along with the matboards, I'm able to order the clear plastic bags, the framing and plexiglass all in one spot. I love having Golden State on my team, I can spend more time creating new artwork, getting my office tasks done, promoting my artwork and not worry about cutting matboards.”
Ilisa is currently working on a new series in her collection, which you can see here. “My Dragon Guides have given me a nudge to create an Oracle Deck out of my Dragon Magick series.” To keep up with this and future projects, visit Ilisa’s website and social media below!
Ilisa's Website:ilisamillermoon.com
Ilisa's Instagram: @ilisamillermoon
Ilisa's Facebook: @IlisaMillermoonIntuitiveEnergyArtistYourSoulSage