Artist Spotlight: Christina Ivanna
Alcohol ink painting by Christina Ivanna pictured above.
Christina Ivanna is an artist based in Rochester, New York. In addition to art, Chrsitina also enjoys playing the harp and is a Color Therapist for ONE Wellness Center in Rochester. "I have been an artist since I was a child. I also love music and dancing. Of late, alcohol ink paintings have become my passion and part of my work as a harp and color vibrational healer at a wellness center. They are very intuitive and always carry a message of support for the person who receives them.”
Christina Ivanna pictured above with her harp.
Christina was inspired to begin creating art in school as a child. “I can't remember a time when I did not admire or have interest in all kinds of art and artists. In grammar school art class was my favorite and pretty much stayed that way. I added music. I found the process of creating magical.” As an artist, she enjoys creating for and helping people through her work. “I am an extremely intuitive person who likes to create in many ways. It feels like I am totally focused on the process, hanging out with a muse, and playing with joy. My alcohol ink paintings also have the added gift of supporting and encouraging others. It is a very rewarding and amazing feeling. Being a very playful person though now entering my 70s I can't imagine a better way to spend time, except to help someone who really is in need.”
"Lady Profile" by Christina Ivanna pictured above.
Christina cannot pinpoint a favorite piece of art; however, she does enjoy the work of Georgia O’Keefe. “I am on many Facebook groups and so I am delighted to see art each day. But one favorite is Georgia O'Keeffe's Red Poppy. I do have several of mine that are favorites. One of them is the Portal painting that I have downloaded in a lovely wooden frame.” In her own work, she creates many forms of art with alcohol inks being her favorite. “I love painting the most though I have taken many, many different kinds of classes. A few years back I took a workshop in a converted horse stable creating encaustic work. That was great fun. I have created many pieces of jewelry as well. But of late the alcohol ink painting has become an all time favorite. It allows my intuition free range, ebbs and flows which I enjoy, and feeds my playful soul. It also has become an important and valuable part of my work at the wellness center.”
"Medieval Nun" by Christina Ivanna pictured above.
When beginning a new project or piece, Christina is often inspired by her inner creativity. “Sometimes when I see others' works I get inspired, but most of the time I tune into my muse and go from there. I enjoy the play and surprise of the flowing ink paints and how they often tell me what they want to do. I love that I get to feel which colors I want to try today, which tools to use (I have an air gun I really like), and how I allow the paints to dry and 'marinate' and often morph into something amazing I then complete. I do have lots of lovely and supportive artistic friends.” To aspiring artists she encourages networking and enjoying the process. “Stay connected to other artists, support each other and take classes/workshops to learn new things once in a while. Pay attention to your muse, don't compare yourself to others at the cost of criticizing your work, and NEVER GIVE UP! And, of course, remember to enjoy and play with your art.”
"Red Headdress" by Christina Ivanna pictured above.
Christina found Golden State Art through a fellow artist. “My dear friend Mary Lamery, an amazing and successful artist in Seattle (where I lived for many years) told me about you folks. She is a customer. Glad she did. When I began with the alcohol ink paintings I did not mat or frame them. I still have some I sell like that allowing the buyer to mat and frame as they wish. But then I began making note cards with tiny paintings and in sleeves and Mary recommended getting your mat sets and I am really glad I did. They show off the paintings beautifully.”
View more of Christina's beautiful artwork below.